Example of R & D
- The client needed to achieve a 3-D high build-up ‘Braille’ effect using specialised ink printed onto an extremely fragile cylindrical component and approached Mascoprint for advice. The 3-D effect was ideally required over the entire surface of the component.
- Mascoprint conducted extensive R&D, including print trials to ascertain the nature and ‘flow’ properties of the ink and determine the optimum screen mesh and stencil thickness required to produce the 3-D effect.
- Once the screen specification had been determined, prototype tooling was built and used in conjunction with the screens to determine the maximum coverage possible over the surface of the component. Due to variances in the actual components, Mascoprint also had to determine appropriate tolerances to build into each part of the process.
- After further trials, the tooling design was finalised and fitted to a CP12 machine, which is now installed on the client’s premises. The concept having been proven by Mascoprint. The client is now conducting their own R&D in a highly specialised manufacturing sector.

(does not show actual tooling or component)